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Silent Hill: Mobile

by Choco1980

Part 9: Scenario One: Vincent Part 1

Silent Hill Mobile 3

Scenario One: Vincent

(Black Screen)

C'mon Chicken-hearted! Show me that you're a man.


STOP CRYING RIGHT NOW! It is not what we expect from a fire fighter.

Where... Where am I? Ouch! My Head! ...Strange, this house reminds me of something, but I don't remember what.

Come to my World!

What the...?

She wants to kill you...

WHAT?! I...I don't understand. Who is she?


Welcome to Silent Hill Mobile 3. An interesting note before we begin, this game seems to have been primarily made by a different team than the first two. And yet it's pretty cohesive with them. It's a shame that none of the games list the scenario writers in the credits. If you recall, at the end of the previous episode, Vincent entered into a spooky door at the hospital, and spirits warned him about the sins of his past. Now suddenly he finds himself in this mansion, armed with just a crowbar and nothing else. Note that our lifebar has gone from the cutesy allusion to phone battery to now a heart with a percentage meter attached. We have the same three commands as last time, Look, Interact, and Items. And speaking of LOOKING, let's see what those pretty pictures are Vincent.

This picture represents a sunset over some small exotic island.

This picture represents a lanscape.

How nice. Note, any typos you see coming from others' mouths is straight out of the game. There'll be a few more. Vincent must just be a little shaken up by everything. How about you sit down over there?

An old dusty bed. This house must be abandoned for a long time. I can't rest now, I must get out of this place.

As you can see, our setting isn't very thrilling. If you look just past where the hall splits, you'll see a clock hanging on the wall.

I can move the hands, but I'm not interested in playing with this right now.

Fair enough. If we turn down the corridor, at the end we'll find a map on the wall.

You'd be surprised how few of those rooms are locked off from us.

As a further downer, we don't get a compas in this game so we have to use "advanced" map reading ability to figure out where we are at any given time, instead of having an error tell us where. The room we started in was the one at top left. The map was on the wall on what would be the back side of the shower room. Note that half of this floor is not accessable from the other half, and must be reached via the elevator. This is just to make you have to walk further, as there's nothing wrong with it. Anyways, let's start the monotony, and search in a logical manner, top to bottom, left to right. That puts the first room to look in the Dining room.

WOO!! There is a hanged man behind the curtains.

Ack! There is! Quick, look away, like at whatever that is hanging on the wall...

Something written in blood... I can't read it.

Okay, you know what? Maybe this wasn't such a hot idea. Let's go to the next room.

A fridge... I wonder if there is something inside.

Fine shaggy, we'll go looking for food in the haunted house.

There is a key trapped in an ice block.

Well that's not food. Maybe there's something around here that can get that key out? (Also, note the call back to the first game with this puzzle)

The oven seems to be in working order.

No, that isn't quite it...

Those plates are still hot...

That's it. Put the ice on the plate and it melts away, giving us a Gold Key. And that's all there is to do in here. Starting at the top of the next hall gives us the bathroom.

There is a chain in that bath that could be removed.


This chain is a bit rusty. There is a little magnet attached to it...

And that's all there is to do in here. The next room is, I believe, supposed to be a toilet room, in the European fashion of having them separate from the bathing room. None of the toilets in this house are accessable, so you can just ignore them. Next up at the end of the hall is a bedroom.

Just a bed I can't rest now, I have to get out of this place.

I'm sure there's more in here than just that. What about that light?

There's something written on this lamp... A=2 S=7...

See? That's...helpful? Now then, on to the next room and-

A phone booth? Why is that next to that door?

Huh. The door is locked. In case you didn't guess, the phone is an elaborate locking mechanism. Well, let's get to it.

And here's the first real puzzle of the game. Believe it or not, we've already gotten all the hints we need for the solution. The letters on the lampshade were telling us the key of standard phone letter placement. Then the solution is scrawled on the phone itself with "I AM GOD". Therefore IAMGOD=426463.

There is a bit of paper on that bed...

We naturally pick it up. We're then told it represents a man with his arms making a 90 degree angle.

This clock doesn't work anymore... it stopped at 3:45.

And we're out of interesting things in this room. Let's move on.

Is anybody there?

Find a way to my world...

Who are you? Stop playing with me. Who the hell are you? Answer me!


So upstairs we go, to the second floor.

Again, the toilet's locked. Also on this floor, the bathroom is locked up and the bedroom next to the stairs upwards is as well, so you can forget about those three rooms. Sticking to our L-R pattern, we come across the office room there in the lower right. It too is locked, but we're told it requires a key. How fortunate we just so happen to have one.

Well, there's a handful of things to look over here.

This is an old radio. It doesn't seem to be working.

Files are spread all over the desk... Hum, there is a bit of paper there...

Here we get a second fragment of paper, same as the first--A dude with his arms at a right angle. But we're not quite done yet in the room. Why, we haven't rifled through that chest of drawers for instance, which gives us a health pack. Warning, the consumables in this game, unlike in the previous two DO NOT REGENERATE. Once you've used them, they're gone. So be careful! Anything else of note in here?

A blackboard with a lot of numbers on it. It looks like a mathematics theory.

I guess not. Moving on to the room at the end of the hall.

There's a couple things of note in here too.

A wooden bench, there are marks on it but they don't make sense...

Using the bench nets us ten bullets--spoilers, there's a gun in the game. Next, it's hard to see but on the table,

That's a lighter... but it's empty. I can't use it without fuel.

We take it anyways. Otherwise there's just incomprehensible drawings on the table. Oh, and a key puzzle on the wall. But doing that would push the story ahead, and would hinder our completionist quest to pixel hunt for flavor text. ie, it's the railroad path, and there's not anything missable between here and there. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more exploring to do before I bother playing this game further. Like say in the last room on this floor.

Well this is a little more distressing room. what's that on the wall?

A photo of a man... I don't recognize him.

Okay. Still, this room does seem a bit off.

The window is broken--That's why it's a bit cold in here.

Ah. Anything else in the room?

This small TV... it seems to be broken. Sizzling can be seen on the screen.

Clearly not. Let's go upstairs to the third floor.

Again, the bathroom and toilet are locked permanently. The weird room with the little symbols is locked with a key, which this time we don't have. Also if we turn to the end of the room, we see this:

There's a note on the door.

Door note posted:

I am sad in the morning,
Joyful in the afternoon,
Angry in the evening,
and dead at nightfall

It will be some time before this matters. We can still go in to the attic on the other side of the door though.

But there's not much in here. Just a table with some candles on it.

I could light those candles...

With what? You said yourself the lighter doesn't have any fuel. Let's take the elevator back down to the first floor and check out the rest of the rooms.

Naturally the toilet is locked. The bedroom across from it isn't though.

There are a lot of clothes here... Mainly for adults.

Ho hum. Like I said, there's not a lot to actually do here, but they didn't block it off, so we're exploring. Likewise, the bathroom is empty, but we're going to look in it anyways:

Yeah, dark and spooky, but otherwise not noteworthy. Even more dull is the bedroom next door.

At least the room across from that one is mildly interesting.

Butterflies are nailed down behind a glass... Nice collection.

Neat. And all those boxes on the desk or the one on the floor?

Boxes are full of paper clips and pens.

A bin with pieces of paper in it.

Ah, am I seeing things or is there something next to the paper bin?

This is a small wooden chair... Probably for a child.

O..kay. Why does that give me a sense of foreboding? Almost as much as the painting?

It shows a family... The little girl reminds me of someone I knew.

Yeah, we're starting to get somewhere with all this. Let's go out in the hall and check that last...bedroom?

I...huh. Huh. Well I didn't expect that.

Pieces of meat have been hung in this cold room... The owners have enough to last a whole month.

Well...that's different. Anyways, that's the whole mansion now. Time to go back up to the fourth bedroom and do the puzzle on the wall. Because we had those two fragments with the drawings of men on them, we're capable of attempting the puzzle.

The pieces are movable, both in their position, and how you rotate them. Seriously, if you're not sure what you're supposed to be doing by this point in the series, I don't know how to help you. Rotate the pieces so that the men are all joining hands causing a closed circle.

At your age, I was already a fire fighter!

It is hard Dad... We already had this discussion.

Yeah, that means you have a problem.


You deceived me! If you can't do this for me, for your family! Then what can you do?


Welcome to my world.

What? Where are you?

All things come to those who wait, you are too impatient.


Next time: The scare factor ratchets up, and we finally start getting some answers in this damn series...or do we??